Transition Easton
"The Aim of Transition Easton
To raise awareness of peak oil and climate change within Easton’s diverse community and support the people of Easton to create a positive, sustainable, ‘relocalised’ and oil-independent future.
Transition Easton's Vision
A thriving, inclusive, resilient, sustainable Easton that has successfully transitioned to a low-carbon way of life.
Achieving the Vision
To achieve this vision here are some initial ideas on the sorts of things we want to do:
Celebrate what makes Easton special and harness the collective genius of the community to develop a positive vision for its future
Produce more of our energy and food locally
Be more energy efficient and less wasteful
Become less dependent on cars
Strengthen Easton’s local economy and local services
Relearn the skills that will help us to be more self-sufficient
Work with and build Easton’s community networks and develop a sharing, trusting culture
Include everyone in the transition challenge!"
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